Allow me to (Re)Introduce Myself
Allow me to (re)introduce myself. My name is Sara (pronounced Sah-ra) and I’m a writer, poet, and musician. I’m the front woman and drummer of Makeda!, a band on a mission to reclaim rock and roll, that I founded with my (now) husband Mike. We met on Craigslist and got married on Zoom. It’s been a really good time. Making music is my favorite thing and it’s also the thing that has initiated me the most into what I view as the path of the Aligned Artist.
I believe that my creativity is something that I inherited from creation. I understand it for the power that it is and the power we’ve been taught that it’s not. I think things like gatekeeping and scarcity and extraction are meant to keep us at odds with our capacity to create worlds. As much as we’re taught that to be an Artist is “special” the truth is that our dreams, our values, our actions, contribute to creating the world we inhabit. Everybody has creative power. It is my intention to wield that power deliberately and in alignment with life, and with love. I believe that to embody my creativity is to take my place as a part of creation. It’s not always easy - there’s a lot to unlearn. But it’s also the most natural thing in the world. It’s the thing that if I pay attention, I’ve actually been doing the whole time.
Over the next several months I’m excited to share more of my art.
I offer these things with the caveat that my art captures moments in time and glimpses of my truth. The more that I experience the less rigid, and more nuanced, my relationship to life becomes. I’m in conversation with ideas which means that anything I could say is subject to change. I understand that to mean that my truth is unreliable to anybody but me. It’s not static and it never will be. I hope that engaging with my work helps you clarify *your* relationship with *your* truth.
I believe that we all have access to the same information. My art is an opportunity for me to express that information as only I can. And one thing about me? Under all the programming and conditioning and stuff I picked up from society? I’m somebody who likes to have a good time.
Sara singing and playing drums at The Echo in Los Angeles.
Photo by Lauren Schorr