Love is Mastering Me
Our culture teaches us that our lessons are meant to be conquered. If we can draft up the right lists and evoke the right tools and speak the right words then we can master our lessons. And in that same way, when we don’t learn a lesson it’s because we did something wrong.
In this way everything is personal. Either we single handedly muster up the will to command the cosmos, or we fail and that’s our fault too. I’ve decided this way of relating to growth just doesn’t work for me anymore. It’s too stifling to allow for growth. It’s too binary and punitive. It’s too isolating in a world that is fueled by collaboration. Life is a collaboration between the seen and the unseen, the sun and the rain, the moon and the tide; surely their songs are a sign that we aren’t meant to do things alone.
No, instead I trust that my lessons are for me to experience. And that Love is not mine to master, in fact Love is mastering me. Life is orchestrating the exact events that I need so that Love can do its thing. And in that exchange all I’m being asked to do is remain open to learning. Remain open to feeling. Remain open to healing, what’s mine to heal.
Sometimes we learn Love from the absence of Love. Sometimes we learn Love from attempts at Love that don’t actually produce love but more suffering. But if those attempts at Love can teach us to Love, then are they not Love? Maybe the real thing is only possible, because of everything that preceded it. Maybe everything that has ever been is collaborating with the human collective to teach us to Love. And in that way to know Love is to engage with a collaboration that spans across time and space. For our healing is only possible because of our Ancestors. And in healing we transform the story of Us.
Fueled by a Love that that will initiate us onto a path of remembering. A path of healing. A path of becoming who we have always been.
Always open to surprise,
Because I know Love is mastering me.
Image made incorporating photography by Jeremy Bishop via Unsplash.