Remembering Our Power
You are valid. You are powerful. Not because somebody told you so, or gave you something, or showed you something — not because of anything outside of yourself. Not because of what you have or what you are without.
At the root of your Being - is power.
The power to witness and experience and observe. The power to feel, to listen to yourself, to make a determination of how you will respond to whatever life brings you. The power to heal which is the act of gathering all of your parts and your pieces and holding them tenderly in wholeness.
You were born free. And you were born powerful.
It is no accident that we are conditioned to forget this truth. If you believe yourself to be without power then you will spend your life trying to obtain power. If you manage to acquire it? You will spend your life fighting to maintain it. We are told that power is something to be secured through our jobs, and our roles, and our associations. Power is something to be fueled by the things we own and the (collectively prioritized) milestones that we hit.
But don’t you see? This formulation ensures that we spend our lives looking outside of ourselves. That we spend our lives reinforcing the belief that we are only as much as what we have.
Where is the power in that?
There isn’t any. So much of what we are conditioned to covet as “power” is an example of powerlessness. There is no power in wars or weapons or subjugating other people; only the revelation of powerlessness.
Power is not something we must fight to be given. It is not something we must grieve being without. It’s not something we must force or fear - it’s not something we can fail at.
Power is simply something to remember.
It is us. We are it.
As is and right now. Not “if only”, or “once I have”, or “after I get” — no.
You are power.
Power isn’t something that’s dictated by what you’re called, what you have, or how you’ve been validated.
Power is not measured by who you are “above” or “beneath”.
Power is the very thing you’re made of.
It’s the essence of who you are.