Soul Calling
I know what’s true for me, and I can only speak for myself.
I think we all have different Soul lessons to learn and so this isn’t a judgement, there is no right or wrong. But I have come to the conclusion that the emphasis on educating, and correcting, and healing white people’s relationship to white supremacy is itself an extension of white supremacy.
Because what ultimately happens is that the we skip our own healing. Our own invitations to self-correct and be accountable. We skip over how we’ve internalized what we’ve been taught and how that impacts our ability to show up for ourselves, and to show up in community. And it makes sense that we center them - because we’ve been taught that our ability to safely exist relies on our ability to change them. But when I feel into that voice, that’s my trauma talking not my Soul.
And so for me, my Soul invitation has been to center myself, to heal myself - and then to let that healed self, meet the world unapologetically.
But that’s just me.
Let your own Soul tell you what’s true for you.
Check in with yourself and ask;
Is my Soul really calling me
To spend most of my time and energy
Trying to get people who don’t see me
To see me?
Or can I feel into the possibility
That my Soul is simply calling me
To be me
In the presence of it all