What is your Criteria?
Every time I see a company say “we really need to hire more Black People,” I cringe.
Because I realize that more likely than not that statement is coming from a place of lack, and guilt, and obligation, and performance.
Because what I want to know is once you hire those Black People, are you equipped to treat them well?
Or are you inviting them into a place of toxicity that only sees them as a means to an end, as a means to your company looking “diverse” or “woke” or whatever the fuck we’re calling it.
No. That’s not change. That’s the same thing in a different suit. That’s dehumanizing and extractive and consistent with how white supremacy works.
This is a Spiritual crisis. This is a subtle revolution. If it’s not love I’m not interested and there is nothing loving about minimizing us into a numbers game.
The bare minimum isn’t going to make this go away. So if you’re only at the point where you can do the bare minimum- that’s cool! Sit with that. Be with that. Get curious about that.
But don’t bring us that while calling it a solution because it is not.
What is your criteria for equality?
If you think equality is a checklist then you and I aren’t talking about the same thing.
If your criteria is distorted, then your solutions will be distorted too.
If your criteria is distorted then you’ll be making meaningless gestures and calling it change.