What is your Criteria?
Every time I see a company say “we really need to hire more Black People,” I cringe.
Because I realize that more likely than not that statement is coming from a place of lack, and guilt, and obligation, and performance.
Because what I want to know is once you hire those Black People, are you equipped to treat them well?
Or are you inviting them into a place of toxicity that only sees them as a means to an end, as a means to your company looking “diverse” or “woke” or whatever the fuck we’re calling it.
No. That’s not change. That’s the same thing in a different suit. That’s dehumanizing and extractive and consistent with how white supremacy works.
This is a Spiritual crisis. This is a subtle revolution. If it’s not love I’m not interested and there is nothing loving about minimizing us into a numbers game.
The bare minimum isn’t going to make this go away. So if you’re only at the point where you can do the bare minimum- that’s cool! Sit with that. Be with that. Get curious about that.
But don’t bring us that while calling it a solution because it is not.