Small Batch Books.
When I embarked on the journey of self-publishing my first book, Our Place in the Skies; I had a moment of clarity on what it was that I wanted to do.
I wanted to publish books in a way that honored life. Drawing upon the traditions of the herbalist, the farmer, and the mage; part spell work, part patient cultivation.
More mystical than machine.
I wanted to honor the medicine, and the collaboration, inherent to the book making process. I wanted to embrace time, and patience, and slowness with an emphasis on creating from a place of alignment and intention.
I wanted to work with small vendors, and people I could get on a phone call with if needed. I wanted to own my intellectual property - to be a conscious caretaker of the words that flow through me. I wanted to collaborate with the same unseen intelligences that created my poems to create a book, and a way of delivering my book to people, that felt aligned with the magic of that process. Moving with, and through, the steady and patient flow of life. Moving in collaboration with the Spirit of the very book that resulted.
I wanted to do all of this while embracing the fire, and chaos, and contradiction inherent to the creative process and in fact inextricably an extension of life itself. There are layers of creation, and layers to creating - even in stillness, one can find themselves in the midst of spectacular Revolutions. Beneath where eyes can see, but hearts reside, there is complexity. Nothing is actually all or nothing, and in nothing there is space for new things to be born.
I’ve learned so much through this experience, and I’m so proud to offer this book as my contribution to life, holding my questions and clarity, my love and my visions, to this particular moment in time.

Written in collaboration with fire, dust, and stars, held by the water and twice mended scars,
This is a book that remembers who we are; before we were told who to be …
And to write such a book placed me on a path
Of holding my pain and feeling my wrath
Of peeling off layers that just held me back
From being who I’m meant to be
But before you proceed let’s just make this known:
This is a book in which freedom is sown.
But freedom for me
As I’ve come to see
Means freeing myself from the game
And freeing myself from the claim
That who I am could ever be wrong
When LIFE is the source of my song,
Why would the fuck would I not sing along?
All that to say and to summarize
This is the story of one woman’s rise
Holding my lows, my work, and my highs
Meet my first book: