The Creation Itself
Most transformations start before you see any evidence of their ultimate, and often inevitable, manifestations.
Many transformations start with a question.
One of my favorite questions? “What if?” Usually followed by “What does it look like when” often assisted with “and how could that maybe feel?”
I’ve learned from experience what it feels like to create from a deficit. To create from a place of wanting to prove something or trying to fill something or even trying to get something. To get so fixated on the outcome that I’ve temporarily missed the point.
The point?
The creation itself.
The act of creating itself.
When you decide to place your focus on what you are creating, and on how it feels to create, then you get to enjoy the pleasure that it is to hold space for your own self expression — to give life to what’s yours to express.
To do so in a world that has taught us that the things that we make are only as important as what they get us — is to choose transformation.
It’s to choose to come home to yourself with a priority on making yourself known — first and foremost— to yourself.
what if i choose to create
and show up
simply to taste the pleasure
of my own self expression
in action